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It is easier, I think, to be a thankful person when our life is rich and full, our health is good and the bills are paid. ?It is usually more a matter of remembering first, that all this comes from God, and secondly, just remembering to notice and say thank you. ?But what about in the "not so much" times? how can we be thankful people in times of trouble, illness and darkness. ?One of our Christ Church family who is living in another town now recounts this story:
Tina Golding?
I had not read this as I entered the Peterborough Hospital this afternoon?for yet another appointment to check the drainage tubes in my abdomen. The?same ones that failed three weeks ago and put me back in hospital in septic?shock.

I was feeling very sorry for myself as this has been a very long journey?back from near death.
As I complained about the pain in my side from the weary entrance of the?drainage tube and the stitches which hold it in place, I was reminded of an?experience that I had at a conference several years ago while I was fussing?and fretting over being asked to speak on television regarding the?conference and the expected results.?As clear as a voice breaking through a sound barrier I heard, "Be still and?know that I am God".??The tone of authority in that voice and the command that was given shocked?me into the reality that I was not being asked to do anything that God and I?together could not accomplish and I felt a calm reassurance that made it?possible for me to walk forward to that podium and respond with certainty to?the interview questions that were asked.

Today, I was ashamed for complaining about discomfort when God has given me?back my life for which I am so very thankful.

I give thanks heavenly Father for the trials and tribulations of life which?make me stronger and aware of Your love for me. I was so frightened as I?slipped closer to coma and watched my husband and daughter struggling with?their fear. It was in that moment that I knew that I only needed to hand it?all over to You and let go. I am thankful for all that I have endured in?this time Lord and for the reminder that Your love is unconditional and no?matter what I've done, or said, or thought and no matter what sin there may
be on my person, You wash it all away and I am clean in Your sight. Amen

Adele Williams says this:
?I am thankful that every day is a gift from God. His unconditional love, guidance and support strengthens me and is a reminder that life is precious and to make each day a good day. I strive to be the best person that I can be and treat others as I would like to be treated. Thank you my God for another day to share your unconditional love, guidance and support with others

Rev Marie's thoughts

Yesterday we were reminded that God's greatest gift to us is not our stuff, our our circumstances, or even those relationships that make our lives rich. All these are good, but the greatest gift we receive is God himself, in the person of Jesus Christ! ?And today we are reminded that when we truly internalize that, when we decide that our lives and hearts will be oriented around that relationship, we become new people. ?Everything changes! In the dark places in our lives find the light of Christ shining. We can experience his presence and the gift of his Body carrying us along and we find we are not alone. Thanks be to God, for when we cannot (and perhaps could not healthily) be thankful for a dark patch, we can look for that light to guide, strengthen and encourage us!

Now here is today's devotion:


Heavenly Father, in the busyness of my day, I sometimes forget to stop and thank You for all that is good in my life. My blessings are many and my heart is filled with gratefulness and gratitude for the gift of living, for the ability to love and be loved, for the opportunity to see the everyday wonders of creation, for a mind that thinks and a body that feels. I thank you, too, for those things in my life that are less than I would hope them to be. Things that seem challenging, unfair, or difficult. When my heart feels stretched and empty, and pools of tears form in my weary eyes, still I rejoice that you are as near to me as my next breath, and in the midst of life?s turbulence, I thank you for your unending faithfulness. In the silence of my soul, I thank you most of all for your unconditional and eternal love. I pray all of this in the sweet name of Jesus. Amen.


?So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!??2 Corinthians 5:17?


Heavenly Father, open the eyes of my heart so that I may truly see all of the abounding love, faithfulness, mercy and favour that you have so freely bestowed upon me. Lord, help me walk with ever increasing gratitude in my heart. In Jesus? name I pray. Amen.


Think of a dark time when God's presence and help has carried you through - and find a way to share that with someone else


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