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Services will be livestreamed, assuming there are no glitches, from Christ Church's Facebook pageĀ starting a few minutes before 10:30 a.m. You do not need a Facebook login to access the stream. If you are logged in, we would be happy if you liked our page.

We catalogue recent livestreams.

Earlier recordings of sermons from our Sunday worship:

Date Description Speaker
Visit our Facebook Page for live streams of previous services.
2020-09-27 Where is God? Ven. Linda White
2020-09-20 The Economy of God's Kingdom Ven. Joan Locke
Visit our YouTube Channel for Deanery services during COVID-19 closure.
2020-03-08 Encountering Jesus Ven. Joan Locke
2020-03-01 Don't Sink Ven. Joan Locke
2020-02-23 Dazzling Ven. Joan Locke
2020-02-16 Exceeding Righteousness Ven. Linda White
2020-02-09 Teaching the Disciples Heather Chambers
2020-02-02 Dream Small Ven. Joan Locke
2020-01-19 Identity Ven. Linda White
2020-01-12 The Baptism of the Lord Ven. Joan Locke
2019-12-24 A Baby in the Salad Ven. Joan Locke
2019-12-08 Preparing the Way Ven. Joan Locke
2019-12-01 Walking in the Light Ven. Joan Locke
2019-11-24 King Jesus Ven. Joan Locke
2019-11-17 A New Thing Ven. Joan Locke
2019-11-10 One Bride for Seven Brothers Ven. Joan Locke
2019-11-03 Who are the Saints? Ven. Joan Locke
2019-10-27 Humble Access Ven. Joan Locke
2019-10-20 The Path to God Ven. Joan Locke
2019-10-13 My Provider Ven. Joan Locke
2019-09-29 The Eternal Value of Paving Stones Ven. Joan Locke
2019-09-15 The Rescuers Ven. Joan Locke
2019-09-08 Follower or Disciple? Ven. Joan Locke
2019-09-01 Green is for Growth Ven. Joan Locke
2019-08-18 Have you decided? Ven. Joan Locke
2019-08-11 The Day Before You Die Ven. Joan Locke
2019-08-04 Growing Edges Ven. Joan Locke
2019-07-28 When You Need To Pray Mr. Colin Dennis
2019-07-21 Hearers and Doers Ven. Joan Locke
2019-07-14 The Nice Samaritan Ven. Joan Locke
2019-07-07 That's all I want Ven. Joan Locke
2019-06-30 Flesh vs. Spirit Ven. Joan Locke
2019-06-16 Blessed Trinity Ven. Joan Locke
2019-06-09 Pentecost Rev. Grant Churcher
2019-06-02 Ascension Heather Chambers
2019-05-25 Peace Ven. Joan Locke
2019-05-19 Algoma Synod 2019 Laughlin Trowsdale
Colin Dennis
2019-05-12 The Shepherd's Voice Ven. Joan Locke
2019-05-05 Not Quite Over Ven. Joan Locke
2019-04-28 Stowing Thrones and other Chuckles Ven. Joan Locke
2019-04-21 Surprise Visitors on Easter Ven. Joan Locke
2019-04-07 The Beloved Ven. Joan Locke
2019-03-31 The Second Most Recognizable Parable of Jesus Ven. Joan Locke
2019-03-17 Head Scratching Answers Ven. Joan Locke
2019-03-10 Driving a Honda into Lent Ven. Joan Locke
2019-03-03 The Transfiguration Ven. Joan Locke
2019-02-24 Hard Teachings Ven. Joan Locke
2019-02-17 A Plain Sermon Colin Dennis
2019-02-10 Rector's Charge Ven. Joan Locke
2019-02-03 Sasquatch Festival Ven. Linda White
2019-01-20 Ta Da! Ven. Linda White
2019-01-13 Baptism of our Lord Ven. Joan Locke
2019-01-06 Epiphany Ven. Joan Locke
2018-12-30 What's in a Name? Ven. Joan Locke
2018-12-24 Christmas Eve Ven. Joan Locke
2018-12-16 The Bottom Line Ven. Linda White
2018-12-09 Preparation Ven. Joan Locke
2018-12-02 Countdown Ven. Joan Locke
2018-11-25 King Jesus Ven. Joan Locke
2018-11-18 A New Reality Ven. Joan Locke
2018-11-11 11 out of 39 Ven. Joan Locke
2018-11-04 Lover of Souls Ven. Joan Locke
2018-10-28 Poor Blind Bart Ven. Joan Locke
2018-10-21 Seeking a Place of Honour Ven. Joan Locke
2018-10-14 Inheriting Eternal Life Ven. Joan Locke
2018-10-07 Context, Context, Context Ven. Joan Locke
2018-09-30 Kingdom of God Rev'd Grant Churcher
2018-09-23 Jesus is a babysitter? Heather Chambers
2018-09-16 Babette's Feast Ven. Linda White
2018-09-09 Partiality Ven. Joan Locke
2018-09-02 It's what's inside that counts Ven. Joan Locke
2018-08-19 The Beginning of Wisdom Ven. Joan Locke
2018-08-12 Stop the Insanity! Ven. Joan Locke
2018-08-05 Tree of Symbols (VBS) Ven. Joan Locke
2018-07-29 The Power working within us Ven. Joan Locke
2018-07-22 Crossing the Lake Ven. Joan Locke
2018-07-15 Beheading John the Baptist Ven. Joan Locke
2018-07-08 A Case Study in Doubt Ven. Linda White
2018-07-01 Twelve Years Ago Ven.Linda White
2018-06-24 Five Small Stones Ven. Joan Locke
2018-06-10 Back to Church Sunday Ven. Joan Locke
2018-06-03 Rest and Work Ven. Joan Locke
2018-05-27 Trinity Sunday Ven. Joan Locke
2018-05-20 Jesus is going to send me a blanket Ven. Joan Locke
2018-05-13 Prayer Ms. Joan Morris, M. Div.
2018-05-06 Questions Ven. Joan Locke
2018-04-29 The True Vine Ven. Joan Locke
2018-04-15 The Sting is Gone Ven. Joan Locke
2018-04-01 The Lord is Risen Indeed Ven. Joan Locke
2018-03-30 Good Friday Ven. Joan Locke
2018-03-29 Maundy Thursday Ven. Joan Locke
2018-03-18 Celebration of New Ministry The Right Reverend Anne Germond, Bishop
2018-03-18 Covenant Ven. Joan Locke
2018-03-11 God's Faithfulness Ven. Joan Locke
2018-03-04 How to Live Ven. Joan Locke
2018-02-25 Telemachus' Price Rev'd Linda White
2018-02-18 Clothe Yourselves Ven. Joan Locke
2018-02-14 Ash Wednesday Even Now Ven. Joan Locke
2018-02-11 The Transfiguration Ven. Joan Locke
2018-01-21 A New Thing Ven. Joan Locke