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Messy Church is for the young and young at heart.

Children bring an adult along with them, and adults are welcome to come ?solo.?

Messy Church offers an opportunity for families to explore their faith, come together in a lively worship unlike anything you may think church is like, to meet new people and to share a meal. Messy Church is family
time for playing a game, doing a craft, exploring faith and enjoying a good meal (no one has to cook on Messy Church night).

This new ministry provides community families with an opportunity to connect with others, have fun, food and worship together while learning Bible basics.

Doors open at 4:45, finish at 6:45 (includes supper) but Messy Church starts whenever you get there.

Looking forward to seeing you.

A new Archbishop of Canterbury has been appointed. ?You can learn more about him at ( and learn lots more there as well - it is a great site!).

New Archbishop of Canterbury

Let us keep him in our prayers as he moves into this challenging position.


We have a wonderful challenge to deal with at Christ Church. Our facility is often feeling just a little tight for space - and sometimes more than a little!

In addition, we think there are a number of ways that it can be made to function more efficiently and pleasantly, and of course, as with any older building there are upgrades that need to be made.

Your Advisory Board have been looking at the situation for some months and now are ready to begin discussions in the wider congregation.

All those who consider Christ Church their home are invited to join us on Tuesday, October 30 at 7 pm to discuss these issues. The goal of the meeting is to share information and to choose a small group who will look at various possibilities handling these challenges. Hopefully they will be able to make recommendations to us at our annual Vestry Meeting on January 27, 2013

Please plan to attend - and in the meantime please PRAY!

Messy Church at Christ Church
Thursday, October 25

WHERE: Christ Church Anglican, 890 Vimy St., North Bay

TIME: 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. (includes supper)
but Messy Church starts whenever you get there.
WHO: Messy Church is for the young and young at heart.
Children bring an adult along with them, and adults are welcome to come ?solo.?

WHAT: Messy Church offers an opportunity for families to explore their faith, come together in a lively worship unlike anything you may think church is like, to meet new people and to share a meal. Messy Church is family time for playing a game, doing a craft, exploring faith and enjoying a good meal (no one has to cook on Messy Church night).

Our Messy Church theme this month is: ?Who is God??

Credit: Wordle from?

Quiet Day - "Living Between the Footsteps - Living in Times of Uncertainty"

Prepare for your Advent observance by spending a day in quietness. The day will begin with coffee and then a short meditation, followed by a time of private quiet reflection. This pattern will be repeated twice more with a lunch break worked in (homemade soup, bread and a simple dessert available). The day will end with a short time of worship. Wear casual clothes, and if you wish, you might like to bring a notebook and Bible.

The meditations will center on the theme of living in times of uncertainty as viewed through the eyes of those involved in the story of Christmas.

Plan to be with us! If you are able to come for only part of the day, you are welcome to "drop in" as you can. If possible, please let Rev. Marie know you will be coming so she can make her pot of Mennonite Bean Soup big enough! But if you find yourself free at the last minute, just come along - there is always room for one more at Christ Church!

God has given ME a Spiritual Gift??

Actually, he has probably given you several! Spend a little time discovering what those gifts might be, and how they fit into the overall Body of Christ. This will allow you to focus your efforts, say a confident "yes" to some opportunities and a guilt free "no" to others!

This two part seminar will help you understand a Biblical view of Spiritual Gifts and discover yours. The first session, on Tuesday morning, will examine the relationship between gifts, fruits and manifestations of the Spirit and the second session, on Thursday, will offer each participant a chance to get a feel for what spiritual gifts God has given them for use in His Kingdom with a discussion following. You are free to come to either or both of the sessions, but you'll get the most benefit if you come to both.

Rev. Marie will be teaching both seminars.

Wow! Our first "Messy Church" time was just wonderful, with almost 60 people having a great time painting pumpkins into globes, making pipe cleaner insects, fingerpainting a mural and trying various challenges.

Then we had a 6 foot diameter globe to play with outside and young kids and folks wishing they were kids too had a "ball" in the fall sunshine.

The worship time featured a marvellous reading of the Creation story. Tammy had the children - and their adults - engaged and excited as they learned about how God created our world.

We finished off with some singing, a grace and a great meal.

All in all, we think that it was a wonderful time of worship, fun and community building. Thanks to all who made it happen - and even more to the Spirit who was so evidently there!

You'll want to bring your young friends along and join us on October 25!

Hello Folks, Welcome Back!
It is wonderful to be able welcome everyone back after what I am sure was an eventful and busy summer for most of us! As a church family we aren?t wasting any time getting back into the full swing of things, beginning with our ?Rally Sunday? on September 9, 2012. We look forward to seeing all of our friends and families back with us to start a great and blessed year together.
We have a few new programs starting in addition to our regular Bible Studies including ?Messy Church?, a redesigned youth group (Kid Crusaders), and our ?Brown Bag Eucharist?. Sunday School is also starting on September, 16 with ?Teen Talk Time? for the older youth and our first parish breakfast following this service.
We also have some special activities in the works for the fall season including, but not limited to, advent wreath making, our Back to Church Sunday, our men?s and women?s Cursillo and a Quiet Day of meditation to begin the Advent season. I hope to see many of you at these special events.
Please see below for details on any of our upcoming activities and be sure to enter them into your calendar.
This fall I will be in my office Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings (most weeks). Drop in to see me if you like. I know I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming weeks!

Rev. Marie


Worship Events

? Sunday Sept 9- Rally Sunday (One service)

? Thursday Sept 13- 12:10 to 12:45 Brown Bag Eucharist begins ? (note change of ? ? ? ?day)

? Sunday Sept 16 ?
o Two services begin (8:30 and !0:00 am)
o Breakfast
o Sunday School begins

? Sunday?Sept 30 ? Back to Church Sunday ? Harvest Home

? Sept 27-30- Men?s Cursillo

? Oct 11-13- Women?s Cursillo

? Sunday Oct 7 ? First Sunday ? Thanksgiving (one service at 10 am)

? Dec 1 ? 9:30-3 Pre-Advent Quiet Day

??Dec 2 ? Advent?begins

Weekday Activities

Bible Studies

(no experience required for any of these!)
Monday 1-3pm ? ? ? ? ??Bible Connections (Book of Exodus)
Tuesday 7-8 am ? ? ? ??Sonrise Study (Book of Luke)
Thursday 10 ? 11:30 ? Lectionary Learning (Looking at the readings for Sunday)

Family Activities

***NEW****Messy Church****NEW****

Fourth Thursday of every month ?Doors open at 5, finish at 6:45

This new ministry provides community families with an opportunity to connect with others, have fun, food and worship together while learning Bible basics. This is open to the young and young at heart (children bring an adult with them, but adults are welcome to come ?solo?). See Rev. Marie if you are interested in being part of ?The Team? or helping with the food.

Kid Crusaders ? Thursday evenings from 6 to 8 pm (first 3 Thursdays of the month)
Grade 5 and up : TheThird Thursday of the month will be a ?Bible? Thursday. The first two Thursdays will be activity nights and the fourth Thursday will see the youth taking part in ?Messy Church?.

Sunday School ? Open to all children (grade 5 and under), this learning opportunity that takes place during the service.

****NEW****Teen Talk Time****NEW****

This lively discussion will take place on Sunday mornings, between the sermon and communion for youth grade 5 and up. The teens will gather in the Friendship Room for a short, but open conversation about the sermon and readings they have just heard

Advent Wreath Making Nov. 25th? This is a nature walk and wreath making activity with Craig and Elaine Hurst. It is always fun and a great family activity.

Ladies' Tea - date to be determined

November 28- (Date Tentative) Prayer Pal Reveal Dinner - if you know about this program you will know the children eagerly anticipate this evening, as do their Prayer Pals! ?If you don't know about this program, please see Elsie Black or Ellen Vaughan!

A prayer for Labor Day

God, maker of the universe,

who work moment by moment

to sustain Creation,

bless those who labor,

who work for the weal of the world.

For those whose unseen labor eases our lives

may we always be mindful and grateful.

For their diligence and pride in craft

and faithful service we render thanks.

For those who work for the sake

of people they will never see,

we ask your blessing.

For those who risk and suffer,

we ask your protection.

For those whose work is demeaning,

whose conditions are poor,

whose pay is unfair,

we pray for justice.

We give honor to those whose labor

is unseen and unrewarded.

We pray for those whose labor is forced,

without rest, or freedom or dignity;

for all who are coerced, endangered, enslaved,

exploited or abused: we cry for justice.

We pray for those who seek labor

and who find none,

who are prevented by their bodies

or their society from meaningful work.

We give thanks for all who labor,

and pray that all may know the blessing

of your Sabbath gift of rest.

Holy One, you who labor for our life,

bless our work, that it may serve you

and the mending of the world.

from Unfolding Light