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A prayer for Labor Day

God, maker of the universe,

who work moment by moment

to sustain Creation,

bless those who labor,

who work for the weal of the world.

For those whose unseen labor eases our lives

may we always be mindful and grateful.

For their diligence and pride in craft

and faithful service we render thanks.

For those who work for the sake

of people they will never see,

we ask your blessing.

For those who risk and suffer,

we ask your protection.

For those whose work is demeaning,

whose conditions are poor,

whose pay is unfair,

we pray for justice.

We give honor to those whose labor

is unseen and unrewarded.

We pray for those whose labor is forced,

without rest, or freedom or dignity;

for all who are coerced, endangered, enslaved,

exploited or abused: we cry for justice.

We pray for those who seek labor

and who find none,

who are prevented by their bodies

or their society from meaningful work.

We give thanks for all who labor,

and pray that all may know the blessing

of your Sabbath gift of rest.

Holy One, you who labor for our life,

bless our work, that it may serve you

and the mending of the world.

from Unfolding Light