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Please visit the Temiskaming Deanery YouTube Channel for these services. Saturday's service will be made live at 7 p.m. and available any time after that. Sunday's service will be made live afterwards.

Direct Links:
Easter Vigil


The Archbishop will preach at the Cathedral service accessed by going to any time after 11:00 a.m..
Additionally, there will be the usual Ecumenical Good Friday service here in North Bay. It will be available at at 10:30 am on April 2nd. It can also be seen as a local COGECO broadcast and 10:30, 2, 5 and 8 on Good Friday and at 4 pm on April 4 and 5.
If you wish to make your own Holy Week and Easter observance at home there are resources available on the diocesan website .
Here is the Good Friday service from the Temiskaming Deanery YouTube channel from St. Brice's.