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Everyone is welcome to come to all or some of this workshop led by Rev'd Dr. Jay Koyle.

Stirring the Waters

Living the life that flows from the Font

Momentous changes have occurred in society. As a result, many of us as Christians struggle to discern how our congregations can be faithful and flourish. We long to know how we might fruitfully welcome and incorporate others into the life we share in Christ. It is tempting to look for quick fixes, clever gimmicks or ready-made programs for help. But if individuals and faith communities alike are to thrive, a different approach is needed.? After all, the mission of the church is not simply to add numbers, but rather to make disciples...

Come gather with your sisters and brothers of Christ Church and discover an ancient yet new process that can promote such transformation in our congregation! Our time together will be highly experiential, including worship, discussion, presentations and demonstrations.

Friday, November 4, 2011

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm


Saturday, November 5, 2011

9:30 am to 3:30 pm


Christ Church Anglican

890 Vimy Street North Bay