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June 1st, 2013

9:00 a.m. registration and coffee
9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.workshop

Parish of the?Good Shepherd
2190 Hwy 592 Emsdale, Ontario

What is Godly Play?

Godly Play is a creative and imaginative approach to faith formation that has its roots in the work of Maria Montessori.? It was created by Jerome Berryman, an Anglican priest, about 30 years ago and has been used and developed over time by people around the world as a way of both teaching and being with children.? Godly Play uses symbols, beautifully crafted materials, rituals, and silence as well as stories to convey biblical traditions and practices of the Christian church.

Godly Play recognizes that children already know and experience God but may not have the language or opportunity to talk about and explore their experiences, thoughts, questions, and feelings.? Godly Play provides children an occasion not just to learn about God?s love, but to discover God?s love in the midst of a supportive community and environment.? It helps children learn Bible stories and religious language and to use them to make meaning.

What will happen at the workshop?

  • You will experience Godly Play stories and wondering questions.
  • You will learn about the values inherent in Godly Play.
  • You will discover how Godly Play is used with children.
  • You will have the opportunity to work with the story materials and practice storytelling.


Who is leading the workshop?

Amy Crawford is accredited as a teacher and trainer of Godly Play.? She has been using Godly Play in church settings for 15 years.? Amy lives in Toronto and works as the Program Minister for Children, Young Teens, and Youth at the General Council Office of The United Church of Canada.

How do I register?

Contact: Rev. Jeffery Hooper (705) 636-7038 or

Cost:? $10 (or as you are able). ? Lunch provided

The Youth Group has set a lofty goal of raising $5000 to feed 5000 people. In support of World Vision and the 30 Hour Famine they will be holding a car wash/refundable bottle drive in the Church parking lot, 890 Vimy St., on Saturday, April 20th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m..

Please come out and support these young people as they work to support a very worthy cause.

Christ Church is hosting its first Messy Church on Thursday, September 27.

WHERE:? Christ Church Anglican, 890 Vimy St., North Bay

TIME:? 4:45 to 6:45 p.m. (includes supper)

but Messy Church starts whenever you get there.

WHO:? Messy Church is for the young and young at heart.

Children bring an adult along with them, and adults are welcome to come ?solo.?


WHAT:? Messy Church offers an opportunity for families to explore their faith, come together in a lively worship unlike anything you may think church is like, to meet new people and to share a meal. Messy Church is family time for playing a game, doing a craft, exploring faith and enjoying a good meal (no one has to cook on Messy Church night).


Our Messy Church theme this month is:? ?Giving Thanks for God?s Creation?

Christ Church was very happy to have the Rev'd Jesse Zink celebrate the eucharist and preach this past Sunday. We were delighted to meet his new wife, Debbie, prior to their move to England as PhD student and vicar respectively. Jesse signed copies of his book, Grace at the Garbage Dump, after the service. ?We look forward to following their various ministries in the United Kingdom.


Jesse Zink
Beth (Jesse's Mom), Rev'd Marie, Jesse, Debbie, Tom (Jesse's Dad)

Chris Wilson reports that the youth group?raised $3155.75 for World Vision during the?30 Hour Famine this year.
This is a terrific accomplishment and the largest amount ever raised by the youth groups at Christ Church. Chris offers thanks to the grace of God, the help of Rev'd Jeffery Hooper and?the Emsdale Youth, and the generosity of all of friends and family.


We are very proud of the efforts to care for "the least of these". ?Youth will?meet after Church on Sunday, June 24th to distribute rewards.