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Come and enjoy a PORK TENDERLOIN DINNER on?Sunday, October 25th, 2015

served with mashed potatoes, baked beans, carrots, coleslaw, rolls, pie for desserts,

tea & coffee. (Gluten free options available)

Dinner served ?5 pm to 7 pm


Cost - $15.00
Children under 12 - $8.00

Take-out available

Tickets are available from the wardens or by calling 705-477-5344 or 705-495-4659

Please purchase your ticket by October 23rd

Rev'd Marie recommends An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.


This is an online version of the Spiritual Exercises Retreat. Join in a flexible experience of daily prayer and reflection. Choose to commit to a regular period of prayer each day, or start with only one day a week. Use as much or as little of the material as helps you in your prayer adventure.

?Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother?
John 19:25

My dear Brothers and Sisters,

On this Good Friday we gather in our churches across Kenya in the shadow of a great and terrible evil. People who deal in death have slaughtered 147 people in Garissa, most of them students, and brought wrenching anguish to their families and a deep sadness to our nation.

These young people died because they were Kenyans and they were Christians. This attack was a calculated manifestation of evil designed to destroy our nation and our faith, but on this Good Friday we are reminded that the very worst evil can do is not the last word.? ...continue reading "Good Friday statement from the Primate of Kenya"

As part of the meditation stations for Holy Week last year, several recordings were made from The Nail: Being part of the Passion by Bishop Stephen Cottrell. ?We have received permission from SPCK Publishing to post these on our website. ?We invite you to listen to these as part of your Holy Week this year and will be posting one each day.

Monday: ?The Roman Centurion?(7:19)

Tuesday: ?Peter (5:40)

Wednesday: ?Judas (7:49)

Thursday: ?Mary Magdalene (7:25)

Friday: ?Pilate's Wife (8:03)

Rev'd Marie and Rob traveled to the Tarime Diocese in Tanzania as part of a missions trip from the Algoma Diocese last year. ?Howard Edwards visited the parish in the fall to tell us more about the diocese of Tarime and how to help, including by supporting A-Cross Africa. ?Howard is in Africa again and his Facebook posts and photos are well worth visiting.

Rev'd Marie, Rev'd Beth, Bishop Stephen, Rev'd Murray, Eric and Joy

The church was packed for the ordination of Beth Hewson to the diaconate last Saturday. ?It was a joyful celebration of God's call to Beth and?His hand in her life, which Christ Church has been privileged to witness since Beth and Tom came to the parish.

Here is the announcement from the diocese:

God willing The Right Reverend Dr Stephen Andrews, Tenth Bishop of the Diocese of Algoma, will ordain Dorothy Elizabeth (Beth) Hewson to the sacred order of Deacons on Saturday the 29th of November 2014, the Eve of St Andrew the Apostle, at Christ Church, North Bay (312 Greenwood Avenue), at 2 o?clock in the afternoon.? Your prayers and presence are requested.? Clergy and Lay Readers are invited to robe and process. The liturgical colour is red.

Beth is a graduate of Canadore College (Recreation Leadership), Laurentian University (B.A. Psychology), George Washington University (M.A. Education & Human Development), and Trinity College where she received her M.Div. this past spring.? She is currently a Chaplain at the North Bay and District Hospital. ?She is married to Tom Zink and they reside in North Bay.