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To donate online, you can send an e-transfer through online banking to .? You can also donate through Canada Helps, using the button below.

Donate Now Through!
Your tax receipt will be emailed to you immediately and it will be "Canada Helps" that shows up on your credit card or bank statement.

You can also donate by cheque through the Church office, in which case your tax receipt will be issued by Christ Church Anglican. If you plan to contribute regularly, please ask about envelopes and our regular electronic transfer option (EOP Form).

You can direct your gifts in the following ways:

  1. General Fund ? supports the regular operations and mission of the church (e.g., priest's stipend and living expenses, outreach projects/programs, utilities, routine maintenance)
  2. Founders? Fund ? support of capital improvements to the church building and/or make principal payments on the building loan with the Diocese of Algoma
  3. Memorial Fund ??purchase of items that assist with our worship services and programs (e.g., liturgical items like hymn books and chalices, sound system equipment like microphones, Sunday School materials)

Gifts to any of the funds can be made in memory of a loved one.