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The Diocese of Algoma has announced the following:

Bishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Beth Hewson as Part-Time Incumbent at St. John the Divine, North Bay, effective January 1, 2018.

Beth is currently Part-Time Incumbent at St. Simon?s, Temagami, and part-time Chaplain at the North Bay Regional Health Centre. She is a graduate of Canadore College (Recreation Leadership), Laurentian University (B.A. Psychology), George Washington University (M.A. Education and Human Development), and Trinity College, where she received her M.Div. She serves on the Board of Camp Manitou and is Chair of the Diocesan Social Justice and Mission Committee. She is married to Tom Zink and they reside in North Bay.

We ask that you uphold Beth, Tom, and St. John?s as they prepare for this new ministry together. We ask, also, that you uphold the parish of St. Simon?s as they look to their future ministry and prepare to say farewell to Beth over the next several months.

To which we add our "Amen"!

Tom Zink's new book was published at the end of April. Seasoned: A Memoir of Grief and Grace?is the story of Tom's unwitting grief journey of five decades that began when his older brother, Steve, was hit by a car and killed while on the paper route the two boys shared. But?Seasoned?is much more than a story of grief and recovery; it is also a poignant and, at times, humorous look at laughter and lightheartedness, winning and losing, and doubt and faith. At the 10:30 service on May 7,Tom will do a brief witness talk about the book which will be available to purchase after the service. He will sign copies?for those who wish.

See Tom's website for more information.

Steve and Tom, sitting on a buck 'n' rail fence, 1959

Jesus said to (Martha), ?I am the resurrection and the life.?Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live,?and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this? (John 11:25,26)

I came that they may have?life, and have it?abundantly (John 10:10)

In just a few days we will celebrate the marvellous promise of the Resurrection to eternal life. As a painting is enriched by the dark shadows that accentuate the light in it, so our walk through the shadowy confusion of Maundy Thursday and the deep darkness of Good Friday are essential if we are to know the joy of Easter Vigil and Easter Morning. ...continue reading "Easter Message from Rev’d Marie"

Holy Week/Easter Service Schedule

Maundy Thursday: Service at Christ Church, 7:00 p.m.

Good Friday: City-wide Good Friday Gathering at the Capitol Centre. Two services, one at 9:00 a.m. and the second at 11:00 a.m. Tickets needed (to conform to fire regulations)?available at Christ Church.

Joint Good Friday service at St. John?s, 2:00 p.m.

Holy Saturday Joint Easter Vigil service at Christ Church, 7:00 p.m. with St. John?s and St. Brice?s.

Easter Sunday: Regular two services, 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.

Twelve sermons from over the summer have been added to our Listen Page available to our many listeners (there are lots of numbers, like 12, that are?between 1 and 2 million, after all).

We are blessed to have an?excellent preacher and storyteller?in Rev'd Marie. ?So whether you want Gracious Hostility or to Burn Your Boats or to hear our sorrow as we say so long to a friend, there is something there for you.

Listen to the last sermon of the Rt. Rev. Dr. Stephen Andrews as Bishop of Algoma in our midst to hear his wise, humble and intelligent words again.