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This Sunday will be a Celebration of New Ministry during which Bishop Anne Germond will install Archdeacon Joan as our new incumbent. As Archdeacon Joan mentioned, this is not just a celebration for her, but for the whole of the parish as we move forward with her.

The service will begin at 3:00 p.m. followed by a luncheon, in the abundant manner Christ Church provides.

Please join in the celebration!

On March 3 there will be a Lenten Quiet Day at Christ Church in North Bay led by Bishop Anne Germond. This will be an excellent opportunity to enter into the spirit of Lent and prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday.
Consider this a morning set aside for quiet, reflection and prayer from
9:30 12:30 p.m. followed by refreshments.
All welcome.
If you plan to attend, it would help if you let the office know in order for adequate refreshments to be available. However, if you decide at the last minute to attend, you will still be most welcome.

Bishop announces new appointment - Temagami and Temiscaming

Bishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev. Dr. Derek Neal?to the combined parishes of St. Simon's (Temagami) and Holy Trinity (Temiskaming) effective January 1, 2018.?The part-time appointment represents 25% ministry to be shared between the two congregations.

Derek was recently ordained to the priesthood this past June and this will be his first appointment as Incumbent.?He is currently the Deanery Program Associate and Honorary Associate at St. John the Divine, North Bay as well as being an Associate Professor of history at Nipissing University.

Bishop announces new appointment

Posted: October 16, 2017

Bishop Anne Germond is pleased to announce the appointment of the Ven. Joan Locke as Incumbent of Christ Church, North Bay, effective January 15, 2018.

Joan's faith has deep roots in the Anglican church growing up in Englehart and attending Christ Church with her family. She eventually took her place in the Councils of the Church there, serving as the Building and Property Chair, and then as Deputy, People's and Rector's warden.?? Joan attended Wycliffe College where she earned her M.Div.?? For two summers, she served as the Student Minister at St. Christopher's in McGregor Bay. After graduation she became the Parish Assistant at Northern Lights and during this time was ordained to the Diaconate, and later as a Priest. Joan's first incumbency was in the Parish of Schreiber and Marathon where she served from October 2008 until 2013. In the last few years Joan has served as the Incumbent for Trillium Anglican Parish and this year was appointed by Bishop Anne as the Archdeacon for Temiskaming.

In a letter to the congregation of Christ Church, Bishop Anne describes Ven. Joan in these words: "Joan brings the joy of the Lord to her ministry and her enthusiasm is infectious...she serves Christ with a humble heart but is also able to speak the truth in love."

We ask that you uphold Ven. Joan and the Parish of Christ Church in prayer as they prepare to commence this new ministry together. We ask, also, that you pray for Trillium Anglican Parish as they begin to say farewell to Joan and to look forward in faith as they commence the search for a new Incumbent.